How to Secure a WordPress Site in 10 Simple Steps
How to Secure a WordPress Site in 10 Simple Steps

In this article, We will go into depth about the most prevalent and harmful security flaws associated with utilising WordPress and every step you will need to do to operate a risk-free WordPress website. 10 Tips for Securing Your WordPress Website: Choose a reputable Hosting Firm Install a WordPress Security Plugin for WordPress Use secure

WooCommerce for your business
Why should you choose WooCommerce for your business in 2022?

WooCommerce is an amazing e-commerce kit. This tool can transform an e-commerce WordPress website into an engaging storefront. Hence, many businesses are choosing WooCommerce for their business in 2022. Market share of WooCommerce A brief WooCommerce is designed and created using the best practices of WordPress. It is a powerful and dependable plugin. This plugin

selling wordpress maintenance plan
Selling WordPress Maintenance Plans

WordPress is an awesome platform. On one hand, it is easy to operate without much knowledge of coding. Just be a power user, you’re done. At another hand, it demands adequate coding expertise on the platform. It is to do complicated and big things. Do It Yourself (DIY) Looking at the easiness of the WordPress

WordPress 5.7.2 security updates
WordPress 5.7.2 Security and Maintenance Release

“In May 2021, WordPress has updated its version by a security release known as WordPress 5.7.2 security and maintenance release.”  “In Dec 2021, WordPress platform has again released some new security updates known as WordPress 5.8.2 security and maintenance releases.”  Now the question is why the WordPress platform frequently releases security updates, and what are

WordPress Maintenance Mode
WordPress Maintenance Mode – Troubleshooting and Customizing

What Is Maintenance Mode? Once you publish a website, repairing and maintenance are ongoing tasks that need periodic attention. Of course, repairing, redesigning, and moving the site are pure technical jobs and only developers attend them. However, power users or tech-savvy owners can go for small fixes like updates, backups, and broken links. Whatever repairing

WordPress Maintenance task
15 Crucial WordPress Maintenance Tasks to Perform Regularly

Voila! Now, you have your business identity live on the web Your WordPress website. You have opened a virtual shop that remains open for 24-hours. Now, your divine duty is to focus on the business that it brings to you, right? Sure, but wait a minute. Think, your website may crash or perform poorly and

5 Tips to protect a WordPress site from hackers

WordPress is undisputedly the most popular CMS and the backbone of several successful online businesses including eCommerce and online learning portals. This popularity, however, makes it the preferred target of hackers. An estimated 90,000 attacks are carried out every minute on WordPress websites.

wordpress website support
10 WordPress Tips to Make Your Website Highly Secure

Elyssa & Adelina are close friends. Both are entrepreneurs living in Perth. Today, both have decided to spend some moments together. They have selected a restaurant near the beach.

WordPress theme and plugin update
How to Update a WordPress Theme and plugin?

After hearing about this incident, I have made up my mind to write something valuable on how to update a WordPress theme and plugins in a completely safe and result-oriented way.

wordpress speed up load time
How to Speed Up WordPress Page Loading Time

One early morning my wife and I were sitting on a stone seat wall around a circular garden patio outside of my home in San Luis Obispo, California. Hot coffee warms us on a cold spring morning. Meanwhile, the main gate of my outdoor garden opened and Amy Whitworth, a designer & my cousin stepped